You can subscribe to an Aggregation Query by converting them into a Continuous Query.

A Continuous Query:

  • runs automatically across all users in your Team; and
  • runs intelligently in the background, continuously monitoring for new data provider connections and user resource changes.
  • pushes any query result changes as Data Events to your Webhook or ETL Pipeline destinations.

With Continuous Query, you can focus on adding value to your product with the aggregated data insights:

  • you need not build your own scalable data pipeline from scratch to ingest, store and aggregate standardized device data.
  • you need not poll the Query API to receive query results.

Continuous Query requirements

While Continuous Query uses the same Query DSL as the Query API, some restrictions are in place:

Do reach out to us if your use case is hampered by these restrictions.

Managing your Continuous Queries

You can manage your Continuous Query using our Org Management API:

You can also manage them through the Continuous Query section of the Vital Dashboard: