Support channels

When you encounter an issue which you cannot figure out, or an unexpected API error, you are welcome to get in touch with Vital support through these channels:

  • Email Support (
  • Vital Slack community support channel (#vital-support)
  • Your dedicated Slack support channel (for Scale plan customers).

We appreciate as much context as possible when you raise an issue. This helps us understand your issue, enabling a quicker investigation turnaround.

I have an issue with…

Anything in general

Your Vital Team ID-
Your Vital regionUS or EU
The Vital User ID…if the issue occurs on a specific user.
The Vital environmentSandbox, Production or both

Vital Mobile SDK

Vital SDK PlatformNative, React Native, Flutter
Vital SDK Version-
Device OSAndroid or iOS
Device OS Version-
Auth SchemeVital Sign-In Token, or Team API Key

A Vital API endpoint

When you encounter an unexpected response from the Vital API, please provide the traceparent header value from the HTTP response you received if possible. This helps us narrow down the context surrounding your issue.

A traceparent response header looks like this:

traceparent: 00-0af7651916cd43dd8448eb211c80319c-b7ad6b7169203331-01

It contains a trace ID that links back to the original API request:

  • If you make the API request without a traceparent header, Vital’s infrastructure assigns a unique trace ID to it on entry.

  • If your API request is instrumented using OpenTelemetry, W3C Trace Context or other interoperable tools, these tools would inject a traceparent header automatically. Vital’s infrastructure would adopt the trace ID from your API request.

A wearables provider connection

Before reporting an issue, we encourage you to try out the following steps:

Check the resource availability

The Get User Connections endpoint reports the resource availability of all the connections. More specifically, it tells you:

  1. What resources are available for a given user connection
  2. Why each individual resource is available or unavailable, in terms of provider API access scopes.

Issues with historical pulls?

If you are having issues with historical data specifically, the Historical Pull Introspection endpoint provides a track record of historical pulls of all your user connections.

Issues with data availability?

If you have troubles with data availability in general, the User Resource Introspection endpoint is a live data ingestion record of all your user connections.

This is inclusive of all historical data covered by the Historical Pull Introspection endpoint.

If you are not able to diagnose your issue using these tools, feel free to contact Vital support for further assistance.