ETL Pipelines integration is available for the Scale plan.

Event Structure

Each event is published with these Cloud Pub/Sub message attributes:

Attributeevent-typeVital event type, e.g.,
Attributeblob-typejson : UTF8 JSON document
Attributeblob-codecgzip: The blob is compressed by gzip. null or absent: The blob is uncompressed.
Attributeidempotency-keyThe event delivery ID; only unique amongst all events from the same user and of the same event type.
Ordering Key-Vital User ID (If you have enabled Event Ordering)

Payload smaller than 1KiB would not be compressed. You must check blob_codec to identify if decompression of the message payload blob is necessary.

At this time, Vital publishes exclusively JSON blobs (blob-type == json).

Having said that, you are strongly encouraged to check for and drop any events with unrecognized blob-type and blob-codec.

Pub/Sub event ordering

If you wish to receive event for each Vital user in their publication order, Vital supports Pub/Sub Event Ordering, and uses the Vital User ID as the event ordering key.

Vital publishes all events through the us-central1 and europe-west1 PubSub regional endpoints.

Pub/Sub Exactly Once Delivery is discouraged to be used together with Event Ordering. Our own trial suggested that the combination would struggle to move high volume of events.

IAM Permission

Grant the relevant IAM Principals on your topic with these pre-defined roles:

  • Pub/Sub Publisher (roles/pubsub.publisher)
  • Pub/Sub Viewer (roles/pubsub.viewer)

Or more specifically these permissions if you wish to create a custom IAM role with a minimized grant:

  • pubsub.topics.get
  • pubsub.topics.publish
EnvironmentRegionService Account


Org Management API is available for the Scale plan.

You can manage your RabbitMQ destination through the Org Management API Team ETL Pipeline endpoints.

A basic configuration would look as such:

  "team_id": "TEAM_ID",
  "preferences": {
    "enabled": ["cloud_pubsub"],
    "preferred": "cloud_pubsub",
  "cloud_pubsub": {
      "project": "my-gcp-project-123456",
      "topic": "event-ingestion",
      "message_ordering": true
  "push_historical_data": true