Menstrual Cycle Tracking (July 24)

Menstrual cycle tracking data can now be collected through the Apple HealthKit and Android Health Connect integrations.

Ask for data permission on the MenstrualCycle resource from the user through the Vital Health SDK.

Check out the Get Menstrual Cycles endpoint and the Menstrual Cycle data events in the Event Catalog for more information.

Steps count in workouts (May 24)

Workouts now include the total steps count during the session (if available).

Check out the Get Workouts endpoint and the Workout Created event for more information.

New Abbott LibreView integration (May 24)

Vital has introduced an new Abbott LibreView provider (abbott_libreview). It uses password authentication, accepting LibreView patient account credentials.

This is an alternative option to our practice-based Freestyle Libre provider (freestyle_libre).

With abbott_libreview, Vital uses the provided LibreView patient account credentials to connect directly to LibreView. There is no involvement of a LibreView practice in this integration.

Note that both practice-based and patient-based connections would continue to be supported in parallel. The abbott_libreview integration does not replace the freestyle_libre integration.

Check out the Abbott LibreView / Freestyle Libre guide for more information.

Removed Fitbit and Oura required scopes (May 24)

The Fitbit profile scope and Oura email scope are no longer required for establishing connections.

For Fitbit specifically, please be aware of the updated Fitbit Time Zone resolution precedences. When your user refuses to grant both the activity and the profile scope, Fitbit data are more likely be timestamped incorrectly in UTC time basis due to inaccurate or unavailable time zone information.

We have now updated our Fitbit and Oura integrations not to depend on these scopes to be minimally functional.

If you are interested in requiring your users to grant certain scopes when connecting an OAuth provider, check out the Team Scope Requirements changelog entry and the Set Team Scope Requirements endpoint for more information.

Freestyle Libre: India region (Apr 24)

Our Freestyle Libre integration now supports the LibreView India region.

Check out the Freestyle Libre documentation for more information.

Health Connect Background Sync (Mar 24)

Vital Mobile SDK now includes an experimental Background Sync feature for Android Health Connect.

The feature is available through the following Vital Mobile SDK releases:

Native Android2.0.0+
React Native3.1.0+

Check out the following documentation for information, integration guidance as well as caveats of the experimental Background Sync :

Expanded Source Type attribution (Feb 24)

Data from Fitbit, Oura, Garmin and Freestyle Libre now comes with Source Type attributions.

Check out the Data Attributions documentation for more information.