
There is one caveat with Fitbit’s webhooks. Namely, Fitbit computes the basal metabolic rate (BMR) server-side. This is a fairly static value because it depends on data such as height, weight, gender, age, etc. The fact this is computed value server-side is important to keep in mind, because it means you will always receive daily.data.activity.updated webhooks even if you are not wearing the device.

This can be confusing at times, as someone who is not aware of this might wonder why are they getting only this one webhook and not the others.

If you are only getting daily.data.activity.updated, the most likely case is that the user is neither wearing the device, or they did not sync their device with the Fitbit app. If you are sure this is not the case, contact us through our support channels.

Respiratory Rate timeseries

Fitbit does not provide detailed breakdown beyond average breaths-per-minute summary on a per sleep stage basis, i.e., REM average, Deep average, Light average and the whole session average.

Given this constraint, Vital constructs a respiratory rate timeseries for Fitbit as follows:

  • Vital creates a respiratory rate data point for each hypnogram segment reported.
  • The data point value will be one of the four average values mentioned, based on the stage represented by the segment.
  • The data point will be timestamped to the midnpoint of the segment.