Source Type

For summary data types, you can identify the Source Type through source.type. This is available in both summary data events and API responses.

For timeseries data types:

  • You can identify the Source Type through $.data.source.type in timeseries data events you received.
  • You can request timeseries data grouped by their Source Type through the Grouped Timeseries Data API.


Source TypeDescription
unknownThe default value. Vital does not know how the provider collects this data.
appThe user manually enters this data through an app.
multiple_sourcesThis data is derived from multiple sources.


Source TypeDescription
watchA smart watch collects this data automatically.
phoneA smart phone collects this data automatically.
ringA smart ring collects this data automatically.
chest_strapA smart chest strap collects this data automatically.

Health devices

Source TypeDescription
manual_scanA biosensor that needs to be manually scanned.
automaticA biosensor that uploads data continuously in background.
fingerprickA glucose testing device which analyzes fingerprick blood samples.
cuffA blood pressure cuff.

Supported providers

The following provider integrations would tag data with Source Type:

ProviderSource Types
Apple HealthKitphone, watch, app, multiple_sources, unknown [1]
Fitbitwatch, scale, app, multiple_sources
Ouraring, app, multiple_sources
Garminwatch, scale, cuff, app, multiple_sources
Freestyle Libreautomatic, manual_scan

[1] Only data from Apple Watch, iPhone and Apple Health app are tagged. Data from third-party apps (like the Oura iOS app) are tagged as unknown currently.

App ID

App ID indicates the origin application of the data.

For summary data types, it is available at source.app_id. Note that App ID is unavailable on timeseries data at this time.

Supported providers

The following provider integrations would tag data with App ID:

Apple HealthKitApp Store Bundle ID, or Unique Device ID ({UUID}) for first-party data
Android Health ConnectAndroid Application Package Name