Sharing Credentials
This guide is dedicated to Vital customers looking to share the usage of their OAuth Client Credentials between Vital Bring Your Own OAuth and their existing production systems.
This guide is not applicable if you:
- do not have existing OAuth Client Credentials; or
- can configure your OAuth Client Credentials to point exclusively at Vital.
Many providers use OAuth 2.0, in which each partner entity is registered as a confidential application. Each application is issued one set of OAuth client credentials (client ID + secret).
As a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) mitigation, they also typically require every application to pre-register
a Redirect URI. The /authorize
flow would then validate inbound requests against the Redirect URI on record.
Most providers allow only one Redirect URI registration per OAuth application.
This means your OAuth application cannot simutaneously support both your own existing OAuth callback endpoint, as well as Vital Link OAuth callback endpoint.
Recommended Apporach
To support this credential sharing use case, Vital recommends you to:
Continue to point your OAuth application at your existing OAuth callback endpoint;
Extend your endpoint to detect and redirect callbacks from Vital Link originiated OAuth requests to the Vital Link OAuth callback endpoint.
Keep your current OAuth application settings
The Redirect URI in your OAuth application settings should continue to point at your existing OAuth callback endpoint.
Extend your existing OAuth callback endpoint with Vital Link awareness
Your OAuth callback endpoints can rely on the state
query parameter to differentiate the request
origin, i.e., whether it is from Vital or from your own production systems.
OAuth requests originated from Vital would have the Vital Link Token as the state
query parameter.
Vital Link Token is a JSON Web Token (JWT), so you can use the unverified claims of the JWT as a discriminator.
When you detect a valid Vital Link Token, perform a 307 Temporary Redirect
to the Vital OAuth callback endpoint and passing on all the URL query parameters.
The exact JWT structure of the Vital Link Token is as follows:
Register your OAuth callback endpoint with Vital
When you set your OAuth Client Credential through the Set Team Custom Credentials endpoint, you must specify a Redirect URI override that points at your your OAuth callback endpoint.
When a Redirect URI override is present, Vital uses the override value you provided to initiate the OAuth authorization flow.