Bring Your Own OAuth (BYOO) is available for the Grow and Scale plans. Whoop BYOO is available for the Launch, Grow and Scale plans.

Vital supports bringing your own OAuth application credentials, so that your user would see the OAuth consent flow in your own brand when they connect to cloud-based OAuth providers.

This provides a more cohesive experience for your users as it gives a truly whitelabelled experience for your application/mobile application.

Typically when you don’t use custom credentials your oauth screen will look like this and used our shared credentials:

With custom credentials you can use your own team name and setup your own logo for the provider.

OAuth Providers supporting BYOO

Google Fitgoogle_fit-
Dexcomdexcom_v3↗️ Guide
Whoopwhoop_v2↗️ Guide

Provider Rate Limits

This section documents the starting rate limit of a brand new OAuth application, should you choose to BYOO.

ProviderStarting Rate Limit
Fitbit150 requests per hour per user
Garmin10,000 days of data oer minute
Google Fit600 requests per minute
Oura5,000 requests per 5 minutes
Strava100 requests per 15 minutes
1,000 requests per day
Wahoo200 requests per 5 minutes
1,000 requests per hour
5,000 requests per day
Withings120 requests per minute
Dexcom60,000 requests per hour
Whoop100 requests per minute
10,000 requests per day
Polar20 requests per 15 minutes per user
100 requests per day per user

Setting up your OAuth credentials

Through the Org Management API


Setup your OAuth application

Use the Prepare Team Custom Credentials endpoint to obtain the instructions to setup your OAuth application.


Set your application credentials

Use the Set Team Custom Credentials endpoint to apply your OAuth application credentials to your Vital Team.

BYOO credentials for the following providers are immediately active, once set through the Set Team Custom Credentials:

Google Fitgoogle_fit

The following providers are not immediately active. You need to take a couple of extra steps to activate them:

Fitbit (fitbit)

  1. You must press the “Verify” button on all the Webhook Subscribers in the Fitbit Developer Portal.
  2. Once the buttons are gone and replaced by (usually zeroed) delivery statistics, it implies that Fitbit has completed the verification challenge with Vital.

Through Vital Support

To setup custom OAuth application credentials, you need to do the following:

  1. Create a developer account with the cloud-based OAuth providers.
  2. Generate a OAuth application credentials from your developer account. You can do this by going to the providers developer accounts page and creating a new application.
  3. Email or message us on Slack with the following information:
    • The provider you want to customize
    • The client ID and client secret for the provider
    • The redirect URI for the provider
    • The name of your team
    • The logo for your team
  4. We will then setup the custom credentials for you and let you know when it’s ready to go.

Some Oauth providers are unavailable unless you can Bring Your Own OAuth (BYOO) — you will have to apply directly to the provider for an OAuth application, and provide Vital your assigned credentials once the application is accepted.