Connecting MyFitnessPal to Vital
You can now link MyFitnessPal accounts to Vital! You can do this with Vital Link Widget or programatically like other password providers.
Before Connecting
You can share your MyFitnessPal diary with Vital by locking your diary with a key.
- Go to your diary settings and click locked with key.
On mobile, head to MyFitnessPal > More > Settings > Diary Settings > Diary Sharing.
- Pick a key of your choice and save your changes.
You can now use the key and your MyFitnessPal username when linking with Vital via the widget or programatically.
Vital Widget
To connect your device with the widget, follow the link wizard ensuring and enter your username and key.
Please note when linking programatically that the password required in the payload is the locked key you set in your diary settings.
On successful connection, you will receive:
- Connection create wehbook.
- Historical Meal webhook, implying that the last 2 weeks of data are fetched successfully.
- Daily webhooks
are issued, as new or more up-to-date data becomes available.